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CHA-M TEA Dietary Supplement Weight Control 150g.

CHA-M TEA Dietary Supplement Weight Control 150g.

Regular price $25.99
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CHA-M TEA Dietary Supplement Weight Control

Product detail :

Organic herbal tea , safe, delicious

Nourish the body, help with the excretory system, flat belly, fat breakdown, bright and healthy skin from the inside out.

Benefit :

- Control hunger during the day, stay full for a long time

- Reduce fussy eating

- block starch, block fat

- speed up metabolism

How to drink :

- Drink in the morning before or after meals to help control hunger, full for a long time, speed up metabolism during the day.

- Drink before bed to help detox and drive waste.

Boiling method :

1. Cha-m tea1 pack, boil 4 liters of water

2. Boil the whole bag of herbs. no need to wait for boiling water

3. Boil herbs for 30 minutes.

4. Boil for 30 minutes, wait for it to cool, then fill the container with herbs. store in the refrigerator

Size : 150g / Pack 

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